Psalm 36 Continued…
I think as we read this Psalm it is important for us to keep God’s HESED Love center stage and not the red herring of the wicked. We can get caught up in the wickedness that is all around us, but let us remember that God’s love is there too. But we must not skim over wickedness so lightly that we pretend it is not real or that it is not a problem, even for us. But the true believer, the sold-out follower of Jesus, is different than the world. For example…
In the United States today, the majority of people claim to be Christian. The reality is that Christians often compare their lives to the norms of our culture rather than to the standard of biblical truth.
An example of this is the divorce rate in America. We often hear the claim that Christians divorce at roughly the same rate as non-Christians. Actually, this is misleading. According to Bradley Wright, a sociologist at the University of Connecticut, people who identify themselves as “Christian” but rarely attend church have a divorce rate of about 60%. However, the divorce rate of those who attend church regularly is only 38%, far below the national average.
In this Psalm we see that there is a marked difference in perspective, and morality, of those who walk with God and those who do not (the wicked). When we evaluate our lives we must do so in light of God’s Word and not in light of what is normative in the culture. There should be a significant difference between the way God’s people live and the lives of nonbelievers.
But even we who believe can have times where we flatter ourselves to the point where we do not see our own sinful nature. We feel smug because we compare ourselves to “the people of the world” rather than examine ourselves in the light of God’s Word.
Ask yourself the following questions:
- Is the Lord the first love of my life?
- Am I giving obediently and sacrificially to the work of God?
- Do I love and serve my enemies?
- Have I forgiven those who have hurt me?
- Am I sacrificing for others?
These questions reflect God’s standards. The reality is that none of us are innocent. But this Psalm shows us that God is righteous and just, but his HESED Love is unfailing and faithful!
Father weed out any wicked way I keep treasured and hidden in my heart. Cleanse me. Renew me. Restore me. Forgive me.