Categories: Seeking Gods Own Heart 2022

June 16

Psalm 38 Continued…

Psalm 38 keys in to a common theme in the ancient Near East, which explains sin as the cause of suffering. Even though this was not the exclusive explanation for sickness, it was a shared one in that world, Israel included. Job’s friends represent the view that sin and sickness are linked together, a view that Job strongly refuted. David does not try to explain his illness in this Psalm – he just operates on the assumption that sin is its root cause.

Is sickness God’s discipline? The answer to that question is yes…and no. Let me just state a few things to remember.

I do believe that one cause for sickness is our disobedience and a disobedient lifestyle. Some people will not get well physically until they get well spiritually. In Proverbs we read: Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. (Proverbs 3:7-8) You can indeed become sick from living a disobedient lifestyle.

Also, God does discipline us at times. Just before the Israelites entered into the Promised Land Moses gave curses and blessings to the people. He said, “If you do these things, these blessings will come AND if you don’t do these things, these curses will come.”

Deuteronomy 28:15, 21 says: However, if you do not obey the Lord your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come upon you and overtake you: The Lord will plague you with diseases until he has destroyed you from the land you are entering to possess.

The chief difference between a sickness caused by disobedience and a sickness that is a result of discipline is that the latter is actually an act of love on the part of God trying to produce repentance.

You need to remember that sickness comes also from the work of the devil. And maybe the clearest example of this is in the life of Job. Job’s physical maladies were the direct result of the work of Satan. Yes, God permitted it, but Satan was the one who afflicted Job.

And never forget that lifestyle choices also play a part in sickness as well. The Bible tells us that poor health can result from poor lifestyle choices. Paul told Timothy that physical training is just as beneficial to our physical bodies as spiritual training is for our souls. (1 Timothy 4)

So, whether it be disobedience, discipline, the devil, or poor decisions…sickness can impact our lives. But ultimately, David felt strongly in Psalm 38 that the experience he was having physically was directly connected to his own sin.

I believe we would do well to not minimize that possibility in our own experience as well. Examining our lives is so important in your walk with Jesus.


Father help me to look at my life through the lens of your Word. Through your Spirit show me where I need to be corrected.

Michael Demastus

What I Do: I am the Minister of the Word at The Fort. My primary duties are teaching the scriptures and casting a vision for God’s family at The Fort. Interesting Fact About Me: I have felt a call to preach since I was in ninth grade. The Fort is only my second church to serve as a preacher, and, God willing, will be my last. I Choose To Worship At The Fort Because: I believe in the vision of this church, and I trust the leadership of this church. Most of all, though, I love the people of The Fort–their passion, their generosity, and their commitment to the mission of God.