Categories: Seeking Gods Own Heart 2022

January 14

Psalm 5 Continued…

One of the inescapable images throughout this Psalm is the way David describes those who do evil. They are described as “bloodthirsty” and “deceitful.” The descriptions of evil lie mainly in terms of the harm toward human relationships. In Romans 3, as Paul is describing the reality of the wickedness that resides in all of us, he quotes Psalm 5:9: “Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit.” (Romans 3:13)

This is the way David describes the foul, lying and deceitful words that come out of the mouths of evildoers. An open grave is a tomb with no covering, letting the stink of decay out into the open air. It is quite a picture.

But, David has a plan. You can see five verbs outlining his stand against evil in verses 8 and 11. “Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies — make straight your way before me. But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.” (Psalm 5:8, 11)

As God leads us (and we submit to that leading) he will straighten out any crooked attempts to direct you away from him. Our being glad is the result of hiding ourselves in him and that results in uninhibited singing and rejoicing!

I believe we all have moments where we feel burdened and overwhelmed by opposition. There are times when people will simply be opposed to what we are doing because they are being used by Satan to do so to ultimately thwart God’s leading of our lives. Standing up to evil means kneeling closer to the Lord.

Our holy God is always in charge and he will ultimately be victorious. Evil may win a moment, but we take heart knowing the war is already over.


Help us, Lord, like David, to rise in the morning and cry out to you first thing each day. Help us to have an unshakable confidence in your victory over evil. Help us, like Paul, to understand that our battle is not against flesh and blood…but it is against spiritual forces of darkness. Open our eyes to the battle raging all around us. Lord, lead our lives. Lead us into your arms of protection!

Michael Demastus

What I Do: I am the Minister of the Word at The Fort. My primary duties are teaching the scriptures and casting a vision for God’s family at The Fort. Interesting Fact About Me: I have felt a call to preach since I was in ninth grade. The Fort is only my second church to serve as a preacher, and, God willing, will be my last. I Choose To Worship At The Fort Because: I believe in the vision of this church, and I trust the leadership of this church. Most of all, though, I love the people of The Fort–their passion, their generosity, and their commitment to the mission of God.