Categories: Seeking Gods Own Heart 2022

January 12

Psalm 5 Continued…

This Psalm, like the two previous we dealt with, deals with David’s enemies. Although contextually, this Psalm does not originate from the same events. David’s reign was one of war and conquest. David found himself thinking a lot about his enemies.

In this Psalm we see David addressing God as LORD (Yahweh) four times (5:1, 3, 8 and 12). Twice he refers to him as “God” (Elohim). What you see from these titles is an intimacy and almost non-formal nature that David had with God. David had a personal relationship with God. One born out of his own trials and struggles.

The bloodshed and war that David had experienced would eventually disqualify him from his heart’s desire which was building a temple for Yahweh. But there is a confusing statement David makes in verse 7:

But I, by your great mercy, will come into your house; in reverence will I bow down toward your holy temple. (Psalm 5:7) The temple was not yet built so why would he write this? First, the Tabernacle would have been located in Shiloh during this time. In 1 Samuel 1:7, 9 we read: This went on year after year. Whenever Hannah went up to the house of the Lord, her rival provoked her till she wept and would not eat. Once when they had finished eating and drinking in Shiloh, Hannah stood up. Now Eli the priest was sitting on a chair by the doorpost of the Lord’s temple.

Here you see the Tabernacle of the Lord described both as the “house” of the Lord and the Lord’s “temple.” The Tabernacle was a tent but was described in both ways just as David did in this Psalm. But, I believe another thing was happening as well. David’s vocabulary was being shaped by his sincere desire to honor God with the building of a temple for his glory. David had a passion, a zeal for the house of the Lord. In fact, that is what he would write later in Psalm 69:9a.

This same description of having an overwhelming passionate zeal for God’s house was also attributed to Jesus. In John 2 Jesus had just proved Himself to be very zealous for the house (or temple) of the Lord. He had “cleansed” the temple of the wicked men who were extorting and cheating worshipers. After seeing Jesus clear out the temple of these reprobates his disciples remembered David’s words in Psalm 69 and applied them to Jesus (John 2:17).

How about you? How much passion do you have for the Lord’s house? How much zeal do you carry in your heart for assembling together with your brothers and sisters in Christ?


Father help me to care much more deeply than I do about your house, about your church. She is your Bride, of which I am a member. Help me to love your church like you do.

Michael Demastus

What I Do: I am the Minister of the Word at The Fort. My primary duties are teaching the scriptures and casting a vision for God’s family at The Fort. Interesting Fact About Me: I have felt a call to preach since I was in ninth grade. The Fort is only my second church to serve as a preacher, and, God willing, will be my last. I Choose To Worship At The Fort Because: I believe in the vision of this church, and I trust the leadership of this church. Most of all, though, I love the people of The Fort–their passion, their generosity, and their commitment to the mission of God.