Psalm 5 Continued…
The final verse of this Psalm has a beautiful metaphor of God’s powerful covering over those he loves. Psalm 5:12, “For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.” (NIV)
There are two Hebrew words translated shield: tsinnah (large shield) and the magen (small shield). The word used here is the tsinnah. The tsinnah was a larger shield usually out together with reeds or wicker with an ox hide stretched over the front for added protection. These shields could protect the whole body of the soldier. They were particularly effective from protection against arrows.
The magen was a small rounded shield held in the non-dominant hand for closer hand-to-hand combat. These were effective in protecting against the blow from a sword. These smaller shields would have been made of medal.
What David is communicating to us in the last verse of this Psalm is that God protects those he loves, those who are righteous. We can count on the Lord to cover us completely in his protection!
Thank you Father for your protection over me. Thank you that I can hide myself in you and be protected from the evils of this world. Even when evil is all around me I know that you are my shield and protection!