About The Fort

We are a non-denominational congregation that is simply trying to be faithful to God’s Word and call on our lives.

What We Believe

Love – We are a family of believers who accept each other because God has accepted us.

The Bible – The Bible is inspired and is the final authority in life and doctrine. The Bible reveals one true God existing as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each possessing the attributes of deity.

Grace – Salvation is the free gift of God. The only sufficient payment for our sins is the death of Christ as our substitute. No one is saved by his own merits or good deeds.

Response – It is necessary to respond to God’s free offer of salvation by faith, repentance, and baptism. As we confess Christ as our LORD and are baptized by immersion, God meets us, forgives our sins and gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit that empowers each of us.

Unity – While avoiding entanglement in the creeds and traditions, we make a diligent effort to follow Christ. The original followers of Christ (the 1st century church) provide an inspiring model of lifestyle, worship, doctrine, and organization that, in principle, is to be followed in our century.

Ministry – God gives us abilities that we are to use in service to one another and the world. We do not work and serve to be saved, rather to express our gratitude for God’s gift of eternal life.


Our Mission

At the Fort Des Moines Church of Christ, our mission is for each member of our church family to become fully devoted followers of Christ. How do we do that? It’s simple.  Love God, Love People, Serve Everyone.


Our Vision

We don’t want Sunday morning to be the sum total of your walk with Christ. We expect and desire that you experience the joy of serving Christ (which is one of your God-given purposes) in a ministry here at the Fort.

Knowing Jesus & Making Jesus Known

Below are different areas of ministry or potential ministry where you can get connected here at the Fort. 

If you would like to be involved in one of the following ministries or potential ministries, please contact the church office (515)285-1254 or e-mail pastor@godsfort.org


SERVERS – Pass communion and offering plates during Sunday morning worship service. COMMUNION PREPARATION – Prepare elements for communion for the Sunday morning worship service. Also prepare communion for the elders to take to shut-ins.

COMMUNION MEDITATION – Give a short meditation message before communion during the Sunday morning worship service.

SONG SELECTION – Select music to be sung by the congregation during the Sunday morning worship service. Coordinate with pastor on the message theme and with the Praise Teams and musicians to allow them to prepare.

WORSHIP ASSIGNMENTS CALENDAR -Coordinate with other teams to assign volunteers to various duties for worship services. The teams with which to coordinate are: Children’s Ministry Team, Musicians Team and Audio/Visual Team.

GREETERS – Meet worshipers at the entrance to the church and welcome them to the Sunday morning worship service. Assist handicapped people with elevator and/or other needs.

SOUND BOARD OPERATION – Man the audio mixer during second Sunday morning worship service to control volume of microphones and recorded music for Praise Team song leading. Coordinate with Praise Team on music video operation for second service.

POWER POINT PREPARATION – Coordinate with the pastor on his sermon outline and work with him to prepare slides to supplement the Sunday morning message. Prepare announcement slides that scroll before both Sunday morning worship services.

POWER POINT OPERATION – Follow sermon outline and advance slides during pastor’s sermon. Setup and run announcement slides before both Sunday morning worship services.

SPECIAL EVENTS – Holiday gatherings, graduation celebrations, banquets. Coordinate announcements and volunteers.

FORT CAFE – Help with setup, serving and cleanup of refreshments for each Sunday’s fellowship time after Sunday School.

RECOGNITION GIFTS – Purchase Bibles for baptisms, graduations, and holiday events.

RECREATION / FITNESS – Organize groups to participate in sports activities. Lead groups who seek regular physical fitness.

YOUTH / YOUNG ADULT ACTIVITIES – Schedule and coordinate special activities for teens and young adults. Form small study groups.

WOMEN’S RETREATS – Seek out opportunities for retreats and special events for women. Handle signups and registration fees.

DIVORCEE GROUP – Fellowship, support, and small study group for women who have experienced divorce.

PRAISE TEAM – Participate in leading recorded music during second service. Meet with other singers and select songs for several weeks in advance.

SPECIAL MUSIC COORDINATOR – Organize special music for worship services.

CHILDREN’S CHURCH – Prepare lessons and present to children primary through 5th grade during second Sunday morning worship service.

Rock It Bible Club  – Wednesday evening meeting of 4yrs through 5th grade children for fellowship and activities related to the Bible and Christian growth.

SUMMER CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS -Special day camps and outings planned during the summer months as an outreach to children in the community ages 4 yrs through 5th grade.

NURSERY WORKERS – Volunteers needed to care for babies and toddlers during Sunday morning worship services and during special events. Maintain nursery by washing crib linens and cleaning infant toys.

AWARENESS – Create awareness among the entire church body of the core three missions we support. Encourage involvement and activity in one of the three missions we support.

FUNDRAISING – Develop new fundraising ideas and ways to increase the budget for missions.

COMMUNICATIONS – Coordinate communications from different mission entities and report to the church body in the form of reports before the congregation and articles in the monthly church newsletter.

FOOD PANTRY – Maintain inventory and make requests of the church body as needed to keep supplies on hand in the Food Pantry. Distribute non-perishable foods to individuals and/or families who are in need.

HOLIDAY BASKETS – Prepare and delivery Christmas baskets to individuals and/or families in need.

PRAYER WARRIORS / PRAYER CHAIN – Leaders and participants of groups who will pray for concerns of the church body. Communicate via telephone and/or e-mail of those who need prayers.

CHURCH GROUNDS MAINTENANCE – Volunteers needed to help mow the lawn and take care of flowers and trees on the church grounds. Maintain the church building and parking lot, arrange for snow removal.

SPECIAL ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL – Teaching opportunities for those who would like to help with special classes for adults. Classes designed to meet the needs of members and attendees at different levels of Christian growth.

MEN’S RETREATS – Seek out opportunities for retreats and special events for men. Handle signups and registration fees.

DIVORCEE GROUP – Fellowship, support, and small study group for men who have experienced divorce.

NEW OUTREACH – Plan and implement new outreach activities for The Fort. Coordinate volunteers in these efforts.

COOKIE PATROL – Volunteers needed to bake cookies and deliver them to new visitors to The Fort.

BAPTISMS – Assist in forming small groups as attendees become interested in taking this all-important step to fulfill their Faith. Assist the Pastor in making preparations for baptisms.

PHONE CONTACTS AND MAILINGS – Volunteers needed to make phone calls and work on mailings for outreach activities.