Psalm 15 Continued…
We know a lot about David’s life. For instance, we know that he lusted after a woman, and in order to get her he had her husband killed. Now, that doesn’t sound “like a man after God’s own heart.” But David repented of this sin, and God forgave him and restored him to fellowship. He must have had some outstanding qualities and many times they emerge through psalms like this one. David now describes the walk of a man who would be the guest of the living God.
Psalms 15:2 He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart.
The significant word in this line is “blameless.” A good definition for our purpose would be a man devoted to righteousness; a man who is righteous, honest, or just: an upright person. In spiritual terms, the man who would be a guest in God’s house must be like the perfect sacrifice, without blemish; he must be blameless. His works must stand the test of God’s scrutiny.
David has a lot to say about a person’s language, because what a man says reveals a lot about him. The Book of James has a remarkable test to determine the perfect man. “We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check.” (James 3:2). One definition of perfect is “entirely without any flaws, defects, or shortcomings; excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement.” Do you know anyone like that? God is not going to have any loose talk at His table.
“He who speaks the truth from his heart.” This is the first time the word “truth” appears in the psalms. Whenever a Jew brought a lamb to the temple for a sacrifice, he would take it to the priest. The priest would run his hand over the animal to check for blemishes. Then he would expose all the inward parts and carefully search for any imperfections. The priest is about to take his dissecting knife and open up our inner most parts to inspection—our thoughts, desires, motives. He is looking for the man whose whole life is based upon truth and whose inner life is truth. God considers not only our secret words, but also our innermost, hidden thoughts.
I thank you that you see all and that you know all. Search me, Lord. I give you access and full reign over every part of my life.